Cole Feely

Computer Engineering and Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst


Boston, MA


Iā€™m Cole Feely, a pursuing Sales Engineer with an aspiration of blending technology and business together! Before entering College, I always had an inner passion to think of ideas and bring them to life- at school, I accumulated the skills to bring my Computer Projects to life. Nothing gets me more excited than discussing technologies with my peers or explaining concepts to those without that background! Additionally, I take an active role with the mentorship program at the College of Engineering where I mentor many undergraduate students and organize events to spread awareness of resources for students.

Outside of my career in technology, in my free time I love to work on personal projects that teach me new skills which you can take a look at in projects section. Another one of my favorite things is exercising and self-improvement. I also have a huge passion for music and songwriting, traveling, reading and going on adventures. Most of all, I love to spend time with my girlfriend, family, and friends!


Mar 3, 2023 Temporary Blog Fix
Jan 25, 2023 Coming soon- "Tuesdays with Morrie" review
Jan 25, 2023 My website is up and running!