
General Information

Full Name Cole Feely
Statement Commonwealth Honors College student with a background as both a Software and Sales Engineer looking to bridge the gap between engineering and innovative technology with businesses and people


  • Fa 2019- Spr 2023
    Bachelor of Science
    University of Massachusetts Amherst
    • Computer Engineering Major
    • Economics Minor
    • Commonwealth Honors College
    • GPA 3.8


  • June- Aug 2022
    OEM Sales Engineering Intern
    Dell Technologies
    • Created a tool for Sales Engineers and Technical Consultants to quickly discern which GPU was best for their client’s intended workload with Dell Servers; sparked a greater conversation and project across the company
    • Worked with leading GPU brands like NVIDIA, AMD and Intel to analyze their products and their applications; Interviewed and networked with client companies to further gauge market opinions and happenings
    • Presented this tool, my pitch and predictions according to recent market trends to multiple executive teams across the company
    • Attended Executive Board client meetings and contributed to conversations on go-to market strategies
    • Created a reference tool for Technical Consultants when working with clients to quickly determine which other products are needed for the solution to eliminate unnecessary inquiries with other parts of the company, saving time and improving profits
  • May 2020- Sept. 2021
    Software Engineering Co-op
    • Built both a front-end Ember application and back-end API to query an SQL database with critical company information using SQL, JavaScript, Java, CSS, Bootstrap, handlebars and HTML; hosted via the Azure Cloud
    • The app was built for developers to easily manage back-end data using a well-designed and comfortable front-end interface
    • Built API environments for clients to interact with their data on the Microshare data lake
    • Created the Microshare documentation website used by clients globally to help their developers use their IoT solution
  • Sept. 2021- PRES
    Electrical and Computer Engineering Tutor and Teaching Assistant
    University of Massachusetts Amherst
    • Selected by Professor to host weekly office hours to answer students’ various questions on assignments in MATLAB, EXCEL, other programming languages and electronics design
    • Classes include- ECE 124 and ECE 201
  • Nov. 2020- Jan. 2021
    Co-Lead Electronics and Battery Management Engineer
    Univesity of Massachusetts Amherst Robotics
    • Team member of the student-organized robotics team that competes in the NASA Lunar Robotics competition; building a fully autonomous robot that can search through sand for intended objects and return to base
    • Lead designer of the robot’s battery management system; designing the distribution of power from LiPo batteries to the various motors, microcontrollers, sensors and servos governed by electronics to prevent fire hazards
  • Jan. 2021- PRES
    College of Engineering Peer Mentor
    University of Massachusetts Amherst
    • Apart of the COE's peer mentor program where I give undergraduate students advice on both their classes and adjusting to College life
    • We also organize events and work with other groups to raise awareness of resources available to students


  • Sept 2022- PRES
    Project DOMUM - Senior Design Project
    • Domum is a low cost and easily installed IoT system designed for elders with mental or physical disabilities looking to lead an independent life at home or for retirement homes and hospitals
  • Dec 2022- PRES
    Personal Website and Blog
    • This website you are on now! It was built using Jekyll template and is hosted on GitHub pages
  • Spr 2022
    Connect-4 Artificial Intelligence
    • A program that will optimally play variations of a Connect Four game against you using AI algorithms learned in CS 383
  • Spr 2020- PRES
    Concrete Paradise
    • A project I undertook to build a gym out of basic materials from hardware stores during the pandemic when prices of equipment skyrocketed
  • Fa 2022
    Project Chime
    • A Senior Project where my team built a system of devices that can send data over audio signal using commodity devices
  • Spr 2022
    Social Distancing Monitoring System
    • A Junior Design Project- a one-chip, battery powered commodity designed device intended for front desk workers to alert them of an approaching visitor, and alert the visitor if they are violating the social distance policy
  • Spr 2022
    Tile Puzzle Solver
    • A program that optimally solves the tile puzzle game with deep learning algorithms learned in CS 383
  • Sum 2020
    Independent Python Projects
    • Python Projects started during the first Summer over the pandemic after my first college programming course for fun
    • Created a Python Program that sent out emails to all the Universities and Colleges in the United States asking for a free T-shirt
    • Created a Python Program that tracked data from certain Amazon Products to track changes in price and more

Relevant Courses

  • Computer Science
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Advanced Programming
    • Systems Programming
  • Computer Engineering
    • Quantum Computing
    • Artificial Intelligence Based Network Design
    • Embedded System Design
    • Low- Power Embedded System Design
    • Computer Networking
    • Computer Architecture
    • Security Engineering
  • Economics
    • Economics Money and Banking
    • Fundamentals of the International Political Economy
    • Intermediate Macroeconomics
    • Intermediate MicroEconomics


  • Programming Languages
    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • SQL
    • Java
    • Assembly
    • C
    • C++
    • Verilog
    • CSS
    • Bootstrap
    • Bash
    • Git
    • Awk
  • Software and Environments
    • Linux OS
    • AutoDesk Fusion360
    • Jekyll
    • Ember.js
    • Node.js
    • MATLAB
    • GitHub
    • Quartus
    • Qsys
    • Excel
  • Electronics
    • ARM Hardware
    • Nios
    • DE1
    • FPGA
    • Microprocessors
    • Basic PCB design
    • AtMega Chips
    • Arduino
    • Raspberry Pi
  • Hardware/ Work Tools
    • Soldering
    • Metal Welding
    • Multimeter
    • Oscilloscope
    • Function Generator

Other Interests

  • Weightlifting, Songwriting, Music, Guitar, Reading, Raspberry Pi Projects, Cooking, Chess, Wellness, Boxing, Running